Kyle Andrew Steed (b. 1982; Savannah, GA) is a self-taught painter and muralist. For the first eighteen years of his life he moved across the Southeastern US before finally settling in Texas. This itinerant childhood where he often sought stability and a sense of home gave way to his singular visual language that draws from a deep well of influences including meditation, impermanence, identity and self-actualization.

Following his graduation from high school he enlisted in the US Air Force where he was assigned to an intelligence outpost in Japan. He came home to Dallas, Texas in 2007. For the following five years he worked in the digital design space and created over a dozen hand-written font libraries. This season in his life greatly informs his work which borrows font makings rigid guidelines as well as the fluid nature of the human form.

From the intimate scale of his sketchbooks to the monumental scale of his murals and paintings the common thread of the work lies in the exploration of the relationship between the human body and the landscapes we inhabit. All while keeping the question in mind, is the body a landscape of its own?


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The Great Discontent

Interview 2011