What is Dallas

As of late I've become really frustrated with how people view Dallas. I know it's been a long process for me to finally come to terms with living here. I've seen friends come and go. People that say they want to make a difference here and then turn on a dime for "greener pastures". Nothing against those people personally, but it leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. So instead of just venting my frustrations and doing nothing about it, I am doing something. That thing is now live on the internet at whatisdallas.com. My goal with this website is to help bring the creative people in Dallas together. Unity is the one thing we've been lacking in Dallas. We have so many little circles across the metroplex and nowhere that connects us all together.

If you live and work in Dallas and want to be a part of the site you can fill out the simple form by clicking on the "join us" button. The site exists only as a hub to view the people in Dallas and nothing more. I have no intention of placing ads or sponsors on the website. It's not about making money, it's about connecting people.


I've received a lot of positive feedback from people about this small project. I'm stoked about it. I love that it's inspired so many others to make something similar in their own city. With that being said, there is something I feel needs to be made clear. While I don't mind people using the framework I built as a starting point, I never intended it to be copied or sold. The main purpose of the site is simple, connect creative people with other creative people. So with that said, I hope you find time to build something similar for your own city.