connect the dots

connecting the less popular dots

Connecting the less popular dots There is a current crisis going on in the blogosphere right now where we have a lot of quality blogs that are going unnoticed due to the massive amount of junk that is out there. (sort of reminds me of the Christian music scene.) In order to find something of quality you either have to [A] already be connected with other bloggers or [B] you have to spend a lot of time searching the vast internets. Seriously, if you don't update your blog but once every two or three months then what's the point?

But it looks like there may be a new way to help connect these less popular dots together. Over at the blog of Chuck Westerbrook he proposes a simple yet effective idea. That is if the support behind it is strong enough to carry it on. And that is exactly why I am posting here today with links back to his site in full support of what he calls "Ending the Tragedy of Under-Appreciated Blogs."

Here is the battle plan:

  1. Gather some nice bloggers who believe in helping good content rise. The more the merrier. This becomes our group for the project.
  2. A good, lesser-known blog is chosen. Everyone in the group will read that blog for two weeks.
  3. At the end of the two weeks, the group moves to another blog to read.

And all you need to do:

  1. Comment here to express your interest in participating.
  2. Be willing to add only one new blog’s worth of reading to your life. (This will be a different blog every two weeks.)
  3. Subscribe to Chuck Westerbrook's Blog to get RSS or email updates.

I'm excited to see what kind of difference we can make by reaching out to lesser known blogs, like this one, and give them the attention they deserve. So if you enjoy reading my blog or have one for yourself then I would urge you to help support this effort. Thanks.