self portrait

Project 365 Week 02

project 365 week 2 It seems that every day is another challenge to out perform myself. Meaning that each day I get worried that I won't have any good ideas left by the end of the year. But I'm finding out that once I actually commit to doing a picture the creative process takes over my mind and I no longer worry. Instead I get wrapped up in the moment and let my mind lead me from one shot to the next.

But I can't expect to produce top notch work each and every day (1) because I'm still a photo noob and (2) I won't always have the time. And that's a problem for me, being ok with the mediocre. However, I won't let it distract me from the true purpose of this project which is to learn and grow from my mistakes as well as my successes.

One thing I discovered this week that I see a bunch of other flickr peeps using is the "View on Black" option with their photos. It's nothing really profound, just a link to another website that displays your photo on a black background. It's great for some photos, but not all. So make sure and check out my photostream to see which of my photos you can view on black.

Week 2 Roundup

Here are my favorites from the last 7 days of Project 365.

Day 13

Day 013

Day 15

Day 015

Day 16

Day 016

What do you think?

So what do you think? I'd love to hear your thoughts, critiques, suggestions. Leave me a comment here or preferably on flickr. Thanks.