
Featured on Sketchnote Army

anxiety I'm sure you've heard of Mike Rohde, and if not by name then more than likely by his SXSW Interactive 2009 Sketchnotes. They are truly beautiful and really freaking cool if you have an iPhone. I first found them a few months ago and was instantly inspired to do something similar.

Church Notes

Since my wife and I have been making an effort to go and fellowship on Sunday mornings at The Village I have been taking notes. But unlike Mike, who uses his moleskin, I enjoy my Field Notes as they are more compact and feel less intimidating. Also, I am the type of person who pays more attention when I'm drawing/doodling when someone else is talking. So while those next to me might be thinking I'm off in some la-la land, I'm actually in tune with the message. It's just my pen that's doing most of the looking, instead of my eyes.

You can view the growing set of my collection of Church Notes on Flickr.

Sketchnote Army

The site was started by none other than Mike Rohde. After a few brief direct messages with him on twitter he said his initial idea was to have a place to organize sketchnotes for SXSW. But looks to me like this site is becoming a much bigger community than that. And I'm excited to see it grow and get new ideas from others out there sketching their notes. Check them out at

Thank you Mike for your inspiration and adding my sketchnotes to the site.