What's Going On

This past week has been crazy busy. The Chat Creative website finally went live yesterday, and now we have our Facebook Fan Page up and running as of today. I am so excited to have FUEL Brand Network on board with us, supporting us. I can't describe how big of a deal this is. Also, we are hooking up with Design Community Twitter Hours to work together on helping build the design community.

I am really grateful to Chris Wallace for his help and WordPress skills to help the Chat Creative site come together in such a short amount of time. Also a big amount of respect is due to Brad Colbow for his awesome illustration he did for me for the site. I have already promised these guys a beer or two. So now we just have to work out a time to meet up.

But above all I have to say how awesome my wife is. Her patience with me while I spent most of my free time working on the Chat Creative website is a blessing. I'm happy to have a wife who supports me and all my endeavors. Plus she plays roller derby, so she's pretty much a bad ass. If you're not already doing so, follow her on twitter @Sweet_Baby_Jane.

Thank you guys for all your support with Chat Creative.