chat creative

Taming Your Tweets

I was reminded today of how much power our words hold. A simple personal opinion on twitter today really stirred the waters in the creative community. I think the whole thing got out of hand honestly.

Basically we need to put our pride aside and embrace the creative community as a whole. There are no "groups" or "cliques" here at Chat Creative. We are open to anyone interested in connecting with other creative people.

My stance from the beginning of Chat Creative is that this is nothing new. People have been sharing thoughts, ideas and information for hundreds of years. Only with the internet and the recent rise of social networking has our scope of who we can reach broadened. I don't mind promoting others out there with similar ideas, and I hope they would be willing to promote us as well.

So let's put ourselves aside for a second and look at the bigger picture of what we're trying to accomplish. I'm positive that when we do this we will see how we can work together, instead of against.

Bridging The Gap

This weekend I finally got the chance to fly to Temecula, California and meet/hang out with Aaron Irizarry and Garth Humbert. While out there I was able to attend the 2nd ever Collekt meetup and finally meet, in person, a few others I have been connecting with lately on tinychat. Getting to meet everyone in person really solidified my reasoning for starting Chat Creative. The desire these other creatives had to interact with one another was amazing, so much to the extent that our friend Nicho drove two hours to be there.

On top of all the great connections I made, I was able to find time to relax with Garth and his family. We took a trip down to Coronado Island by San Diego on Saturday afternoon. Getting to smell the ocean air and feel the cool breeze as we walked the beach was a real mind-clearer. To top it off, after the beach we went and visited Temecula Wine Country for a little wine tasting and dinner. Here are a few photos I took while down there. You can see more over on my flickr page.

Coronado Typography

Temecula Collekt Meetup

First time to eat In-N-Out

Thanks again to everyone that came out to the Collekt meetup. I am so pumped for what the future holds for Chat Creative, and all the connections we are making right now. This is just the beginning of a new generation of designers working with/for each other, not against.

What's Going On

This past week has been crazy busy. The Chat Creative website finally went live yesterday, and now we have our Facebook Fan Page up and running as of today. I am so excited to have FUEL Brand Network on board with us, supporting us. I can't describe how big of a deal this is. Also, we are hooking up with Design Community Twitter Hours to work together on helping build the design community.

I am really grateful to Chris Wallace for his help and WordPress skills to help the Chat Creative site come together in such a short amount of time. Also a big amount of respect is due to Brad Colbow for his awesome illustration he did for me for the site. I have already promised these guys a beer or two. So now we just have to work out a time to meet up.

But above all I have to say how awesome my wife is. Her patience with me while I spent most of my free time working on the Chat Creative website is a blessing. I'm happy to have a wife who supports me and all my endeavors. Plus she plays roller derby, so she's pretty much a bad ass. If you're not already doing so, follow her on twitter @Sweet_Baby_Jane.

Thank you guys for all your support with Chat Creative.