
weekly update

In case you've been living under a rock or this is your first time here, you are now looking at the updated version of kylesteed.com. This past week I spent a great deal of time giving my site a much needed face-lift and sketching out the future of my presence on the web. The best part about this make-over is I finally combined the power of WordPress with my site, thanks to Chris over at CSS-Tricks for his helpful video tutorials. So now instead of arriving at a static page you will come here, but you can still see examples of my work, find out who I am and contact me by using the simple nav bar up top.

To give you a little inside look at what's in the future for me and this site I present you with a short unordered list:

  • improve the quality and creativity of each blog post
  • reach out to other designers, photographers and other creatives for interviews
  • publish a WordPress theme
  • eat more fruit

So there you have it, a quick update on the life of me, Kyle Steed. If you're interested in having your work displayed on my site with a brief interview please contact me and we can discuss the specifics. Otherwise, I hope you enjoy the new look and please subscribe to my feed for all updates and happenings going on at kylesteed.com.
